Thursday, January 5, 2012

January Dreaming...

I'm still on vacation this week, but have been looking over some of the produce of 2011, my first year back as a full-time metalsmith, running my own small art jewelry business again.

I like what I see. I also see what I'll start to do differently. I am playful. My work is playful. I want my pics and my Etsy shop to be more playful. So I will work on this!

I was uber-busy all during the holidays, right up until the night of New Year's Day. And then we went to Savannah, on vacation. This is a funny week to come home to, because I'll be bouncing right out again.

This weekend I'll go to Orlando to supply my business with raw materials. And next week I'll work in my studio on new designs and on taxes.

I see others surging ahead, getting a quick start on the year. Not me. I'm still in a state I call 'January Dreaming.'

Long ago, I approached a very important gallery in my life about this time of year. I spoke with a wonderful, knowledgeable employee of the gallery who completely understood how burned out a working artist is right about now. She gave me permission to feel this way and to drift awhile. She gave me every assurance that my brain would re-knit and that I'd get it back together before too long, and be the stronger for it.

She's been right, again and again. And this gives me the confidence to drift in no particular direction. For awhile.

Looking up from the workbench to get a view of the rest of the world overcomes all of those hours and days when I kept my nose to the grindstone.

A fresh air blows through my head, sweeping out the cobwebs. And I begin to dream forward and to imagine what I want to create next.

So, a few more days of drifting... of seeing which way the river is truly flowing... is in order. But, I'll be back.

These four pics are of pieces I created in 2011. That was the year I closed my brick and mortar gallery and began to restructure my work life and design life. Now I look forward to what my creative life in 2012 will bring... right after I get past this next little bit of time!